Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Francis Kwarteng Arthur
The acting Director of the Information Services Department (ISD), Francis Kwarteng Arthur, has
boldly revealed that he ‘forged’ the letterhead on which the department issued an apology for the error-ridden brochure used at the 59th Independence parade.

Following intense public criticism of the incident that some have described as an ‘international embarrassment’, Mr. Arthur hurriedly issued an apology letter saying he was responsible for the mistakes.

The brochure captured the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta who was the guest of honour at the event held at the Black Star Square, as the President of Ghana, as well as other grammatical and typographical errors.

Workers of ISD revolted saying they could not be blamed for the error since government bypassed the ISD and gave the job to an unnamed private company.

But in a sudden twist of events, the acting ISD Director told his angry staff that the brochure was approved by the Flagstaff House, although his outfit provided the content.

He also shockingly admitted seeing the errors but had to allow the brochures to be used. I forged letterhead He said when social media went agog over the issue; he forged the letterhead of the ISD and issued the apology letter.

“I do not have a copy of the ISD letterheads in my files. Indeed all the letters that go out, I have encouraged my deputy directors to do that work for me.

“They do the drafting, they bring it to me, I look at it, if there are corrections they go and redo it, and they put my name and I sign it. So yesterday [Monday] when push got to shove, I didn’t have access to [the official letter head] so on my laptop, I had the coat of arms there so I just lifted the coat of arms and with my computer skills that I have, I typed under it.

“So what you see there is what I generated and this is to explain the reason why it is not an official and a notable letterhead that all of you are familiar with,” he explained.



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